Pet Organizer is based on the Power-QR technology developed by Eliada, and is a B2C application of 321-Go!. Organize the life of your pet and make sure that your dog or cat (features for other pets will follow) gets what it needs, and that everyone in the family is at all time aware what already has been done and what not.
Pet Organizer Areas:
Eliada Power-QR Solutions
With dynamic and interactive Power – QR codes, produced by Eliada’s own QR Generator, Power-QR Solutions make workflows more efficient and effective.
Employees or customers scan QR codes, and receive or send information with just a few clicks.
A dashboard allows administrators to centrally manage Power-QR solutions and monitor all activities. Configure QR-Codes according to your needs, and change the configuration any time. Permissions: Define different roles and usage rights, for instance for employees, guests or administrators.
Power-QR solutions: Translating Workflows into Digital – in any industry!
Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.