Learn traffic regulation rules with VTS VR.
For traffic service regulation companies, police, fire brigade, military, construction companies & all people who want to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge to successfully regulate traffic.

We use the best VR technology for traffic regulation simulations. We provide the real life experience from the comfort of your home, or from a training center. Practice any time, polish up your skills and get ready to use them on the road. Benefit of pre-produced scenarios, or create virtual traffic situations according to your needs.

Traffic regulation training is just one of many possible VR applications we can produce for you. Have an idea? Bring it to us!

Platforms: Unreal Engine
Industry: all industries that requires virtual training fro traffic regulation
Technology used: Unreal Engine
Project length: 12+ months


  1. Understand the needs in current traffic regulation education
  2. Adapt the Extended Reality (XR) technology to simulate real-life practical trainings in traffic regulations
  3. The major challenge while creating this experience was to match practical training with XR technology. Replicating the steps needed for traffic regulation training using the XR technology and creating the virtual reality experience out of it was the most challenging part. XR technology is constantly evolving and keeping up with all the new features while incorporating it into standard regulations training will always be an obstacle we have to overcome.

How we solved them

We solved our challenges by following the next steps: calibration, choosing the right technology, hardware, VR set and controllers, adding the error tolerance, and using the calibration variable logic blueprint. Starting off with calibration, the user is led through a series of “tests”, requiring him to repeat a set of moves and keep the position for a certain period of time. Data gained from those moves is then stored and used later on. After the right choice of technology used, hardware, VR set and controllers, we worked on the error tolerance. Error tolerance allows the user to successfully complete an action without being fully precise. Every movement is prone to user error, it’s up to us to decide whether we should allow it or not. Lastly, we end the process with the calibration variable logic blueprint. Algorithms, rules, and settings for the most realistic recognition of right and wrong movements of VR users and the reaction of NPC-characters to these movements.